Breitbart success! Jennings smear campaign finally picked up by the Bulgaria

It's your laugh-or-cry moment from the right-wing blogosphere, this time courtesy of Gateway Pundit who's been working closely alongside Andrew Breitbart for the last month in their failed effort to get a single serious news outlet to pay attention to their oddly explicit, gay-baiting campaign against Kevin Jennings.

But, as Gateway Pundit recently crowed, the story's finally showing signs of life. In Bulgaria. And no, this is not a joke:

The US media would rather see children put at risk and handed fisting packs than report on this story because it may embarrass their failed superhero. They would rather protect the radical president than protect America's children. It shows you how corrupt the mainstream media has become in this country.

But the Bulgarian media is covering it. Bulgarian writer Ivan Stamenov is reporting on the Jennings' scandal today...

The US state-run media may be hiding from the Jennings' scandal. Maybe they even think teaching fisting is appropriate for 7th graders? Whatever the reason, even Bulgarian reporters are brave enough to report on this abuse of children.