ABC News, please define “rouses”

This onilne headline just seems weird [emphasis added]:

Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning 'Racist' Elements of Tea Party

It seems weird because ABC provides no evidence that the First Lady roused the annual NAACP convention with her keynote speech. Also, her address had nothing to do with alleged racist elements of the Tea Party that NAACP attendees were going to address the day after Obama spoke, yet ABC seemed to be trying very hard to make that connection. i.e. A rabble-rousing Obama got the crowd riled up so they could condemn the 'racist" Tea Party.

ABC's headline seemed to suggest there was a tie between her supposedly rousing speech and the issue of Tea Party racism. There was no connection. Although I suspect the implied linkage is what earned ABC a race-baiting Drudge link.

For the record, Michelle Obama focused her remarks on childhood obesity and her Let's Move initiative. And, as I mentioned, there's nothing in the ABC dispatch to suggest she roused the NAACP attendees. (i.e. “To excite, as to anger or action; stir up.”)

BTW, I didn't see any suggestion from these news media reports that Michelle Obama 'roused' the NACCP convention.