Addressing his September 4 comments, in which he called the National Organization for Women, the “National Organization of Ugly Women,” Mark Levin said: “I just wanted to underscore that maybe I shouldn't have called them the National Organization of Ugly Women. For now on, it's the National Organization of Really Ugly Women.”
Levin on his “National Organization of Ugly Women” remark: "[F]or now on, it's the National Organization of Really Ugly Women"
Written by Greg Lewis
During the September 8 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Mark Levin addressed his September 4 comments, in which he called the National Organization for Women, the “National Organization of Ugly Women,” saying: “National Organization of Ugly Women, that's very rude. So I think I should call them National Organization of Women Who Look Like Men; or National Organization of Mustachioed Women; or National Organization of Really Ugly Women. And so, I want to apologize for using just National Organization of Ugly Women. I'll pick another one.”
Levin later said of Media Matters for America -- which noted Levin's September 4 comments -- and other unspecified “entities”: “I know they hate talk radio. They think, 'Hey, did you hear Levin? He said National Organization of Ugly Women.' Well, the truth hurts.” Levin added: “What's the head of that group? [NOW president] Kim Gandy? Well, let your eyes speak for themselves. And so, I just wanted to underscore that maybe I shouldn't have called them the National Organization of Ugly Women. For now on, it's the National Organization of Really Ugly Women.”
From the September 8 broadcast of ABC Radio Networks' The Mark Levin Show:
LEVIN: Well, I feel so embarrassed. I really do. I feel so embarrassed. This group Media Matters for America, which is of course a tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organization -- set up by George Soros and Hillary Clinton to attack talk radio and others -- they've pointed out that on The Sean Hannity Show, I called the National Organization of Women, the National Organization of Ugly Women. And in fact, I have called them the National Organization of Ugly Women for the longest time. You know, we have a free website. They don't really need to record this stuff or monitor it. They can just go on to my website,, and play it, and download it, and send it to their left-wing friends.
But they do have a point -- National Organization of Ugly Women, that's very rude. So I think I should call them National Organization of Women Who Look Like Men; or National Organization of Mustachioed Women; or National Organization of Really Ugly Women. And so, I want to apologize for using just National Organization of Ugly Women. I'll pick another one.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, this group, NOW, it doesn't represent the vast majority of women in this country. Maybe it has a couple hundred thousand members, maybe not, maybe less, but just because they beat their so-called chests and claim to represent women and claim to represent progress doesn't make it so. Just because Media Matters claims to be a nonpartisan charitable organization doesn't make it so. Just because these entities try and intimidate and silence people like me doesn't make it happen. I know they hate talk radio. They think, “Hey, did you hear Levin? He said National Organization of Ugly Women.” Well, the truth hurts. What's the head of that group? Kim Gandy? Well, let your eyes speak for themselves.
And so, I just wanted to underscore that maybe I shouldn't have called them the National Organization of Ugly Women. For now on, it's the National Organization of Really Ugly Women. But I wanted to clear that up.