Ainsley Earhardt Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt has been a Fox & Friends co-host since 2016 and has a record of conducting sycophantic interviews with President Donald Trump. Featured Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt will interview Trump this week. Her previous interviews with the president have been sycophantic and weak Article 08/21/18 4:56 PM EDT The Fox News president: Trump confirms he's just repeating what he hears on TV Article 08/23/18 11:28 AM EDT Fox & Friends is Donald Trump's safe space Article 06/22/17 3:17 PM EDT The Latest Fox host on Trump's proposal to “take over” Gaza: “Why wouldn't they say thanks for doing this?” Video & Audio 02/05/25 9:29 AM EST After NYC Mayor Eric Adams was indicted for bribery, right-wing media baselessly cried political retribution Narrative/Timeline 09/27/24 11:09 AM EDT Trump publicly bragged about tanking the border bill — now a Fox host is trying to help him revise history Article 09/27/24 11:03 AM EDT Fox News suddenly changes its tune after Eric Adams indictment unsealed Article 09/26/24 12:46 PM EDT Fox News host praises Trump for policy details — and gets the details wrong Article 09/18/24 4:27 PM EDT Fox host fearmongers that the government is going through bank accounts to see where Trump supporters shop Video & Audio 02/21/24 9:14 AM EST Fox host Ainsley Earhardt suggests tying Ukraine aid to a border bill Video & Audio 02/13/24 1:44 PM EST Fox host Ainsley Earhardt on Fox's GOP presidential debate: “I feel like I'm watching the vice president debate” Video & Audio 09/28/23 10:31 AM EDT Right-wing media continue to provide cover for Trump amid new charges Article 07/28/23 2:40 PM EDT Fox wants viewers to “feel sorry” for “random people” charged with participating in Trump’s alleged scheme to obstruct justice Article 07/28/23 12:54 PM EDT Right-wing media defend Donald Trump by asserting these sorts of crimes happen all the time Article 04/05/23 5:28 PM EDT Fox host encourages a national run on banks Video & Audio 03/13/23 11:33 AM EDT Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page Next ›
Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt will interview Trump this week. Her previous interviews with the president have been sycophantic and weak Article 08/21/18 4:56 PM EDT
The Fox News president: Trump confirms he's just repeating what he hears on TV Article 08/23/18 11:28 AM EDT
Fox host on Trump's proposal to “take over” Gaza: “Why wouldn't they say thanks for doing this?” Video & Audio 02/05/25 9:29 AM EST
After NYC Mayor Eric Adams was indicted for bribery, right-wing media baselessly cried political retribution Narrative/Timeline 09/27/24 11:09 AM EDT
Trump publicly bragged about tanking the border bill — now a Fox host is trying to help him revise history Article 09/27/24 11:03 AM EDT
Fox News suddenly changes its tune after Eric Adams indictment unsealed Article 09/26/24 12:46 PM EDT
Fox News host praises Trump for policy details — and gets the details wrong Article 09/18/24 4:27 PM EDT
Fox host fearmongers that the government is going through bank accounts to see where Trump supporters shop Video & Audio 02/21/24 9:14 AM EST
Fox host Ainsley Earhardt suggests tying Ukraine aid to a border bill Video & Audio 02/13/24 1:44 PM EST
Fox host Ainsley Earhardt on Fox's GOP presidential debate: “I feel like I'm watching the vice president debate” Video & Audio 09/28/23 10:31 AM EDT
Fox wants viewers to “feel sorry” for “random people” charged with participating in Trump’s alleged scheme to obstruct justice Article 07/28/23 12:54 PM EDT
Right-wing media defend Donald Trump by asserting these sorts of crimes happen all the time Article 04/05/23 5:28 PM EDT