Alex Jones agrees with caller who suggests the Uvalde shooting was a false flag: “It's very suspicious timing”
Jones: “Everybody should be able to question this because there's been so many false flags, so many provocateured operations”
From the May 25, 2022, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show
CALLER: You know, something that somebody's not bringing up is the fact that the NRA is having their annual convention in Houston this weekend with a lot of Republican, Texas Republicans are going to be there. You don't think this was done to demonize the Texas Republicans and the NRA?
ALEX JONES (INFOWARS HOST): It's very suspicious timing.
CALLER: And that gear that guy had, from what I understand, being interested in guns myself, that he had something like $3,500 worth of gear there. Maybe more, depending on the quality of the guns.
JONES: How did he get all that money working at Wendy's?
CALLER: Yeah. And did he disappear at any time? Was he off somewhere where a communist cell was training him to get him ready for this? I mean, hell, he might have been crazy, but he might have been a diehard legal, you know, fanatic.
CALLER: That's the only thing is that I like to hope that the police are going to do a thorough investigation but with what happened in the Las Vegas where they swept everything under the carpet, you never know, you know?
JONES: Oh, I mean, everybody should be able to question this because there's been so many false flags, so many provocateured operations.