From the August 31 edition of Genesis Communications Network’s The Alex Jones Show:
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ALEX JONES (HOST): [Women's March co-organizer] Linda Sarsour and the left have been caught everywhere collecting money saying it’s for hurricane victims and it’s going directly to super PACs that have zero to do with it and admit that it’s to quote “to turn Texas blue.” And then it’s worse, the Women’s March group that she ran that got $287 million last year alone from George Soros that ran the marches trying to block folks getting in to hear Trump’s inauguration, she is raising millions of dollars saying it’s for the hurricane and not one red stinking cent’s going to it. They have a name for that. And it gets worse. The Women’s March came out and said whatever you do, don’t give it to any organization that white people will get money from. I mean, they are the most flagrant race-baiting scum of the earth. And let me tell you, this isn’t white virtue signalling for me to say this, it’s mainly weirdo professors and white people running this. But she is an Islamisict (sic) radical jihad dirtbag with family in prison in Israel and she supports genital mutilation and everything else. And they tell pro-life women, don’t march in our marches. But under Islam, they’ll execute you for abortion, one of the only good things in Islam.