Alex Jones: “Violence must be resorted to if we fail. And then we should be having a large discussion about what that violence would be.”
From the March 24, 2023, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show
ALEX JONES (HOST): We should take our country back, by the decisions we make, by the way we vote, by being on juries, grand juries, by lawsuits, by civil disobedience, and, if they're ever trying to take us to death camps, or forced injection camps, which they're normalizing now, if we don't stop that global UN movement, under their UN treaty that they're trying to ram through right now, then there will come a day when unfortunately we have to defend ourselves and our bodily autonomy from this Nazi operation 5.0.
And that's what I said. People are angry. This county's a tinderbox. I don't believe violence is the way to go. We need to exhaust every avenue first.
This is a lot bigger than what Trump's been saying. It's about the whole battlefield being 95 percent psychological, and about truth versus lies, and that violence must be resorted to if we fail. And then we should be having a large discussion about what that violence would be. The rules of engagement. Because the globalists are killing us with GMO and 5G and poison shots and there is an undeclared silent war that's now out in the open. But you have to identify who the enemy is, how they're attacking you first, if you're even going to have a discussion, about then, counterstrikes. So this is big boy talk here.