Alex Jones vows to release name of potential juror in Roger Stone trial
Jones: The potential juror “is one of their minions, and we’ve got her name, and we’re going to release it”
From the November 6, 2019, edition of The Alex Jones Show
ALEX JONES (HOST): This is exactly like that. This is joke-level. And the fact that the judge brought this woman up first and had a sycophantic discussion with her, and then Media Matters goes, “Jones could get arrested for jury tampering and harassing jurors." It’s completely legal and lawful when someone is a public figure.
What if Brad Pitt was on the jury? What if Obama was on the jury? What if it was Robert Mueller? What if it was Hillary Clinton? What if it was Chelsea Clinton? “Oh, she got called. Oh, she’s on it. Oh, Chelsea Clinton is going to sit on the jury for Roger Stone.” You’d say, “That’s crazy. Get her off.”
It’s the same thing. It’s one of their minions, and we’ve got her name, and we’re going to release it because that’s what the press does. I know there’s a war on the press and WikilLeaks' founder’s in -- basically on death's doorstep, can’t even talk, in solitary confinement -- Julian Assange. But somebody’s got to stand up against this, and somebody’s got to say no to this.
Oh, but wait till you hear who this woman that’s going to be, you know, the jury foreman. And wait till you hear where she came from. Bill and Melinda Gates, yeah.