“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander suggests he persuaded former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey not to ban Nick Fuentes and Jack Posobiec
"Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander suggests he persuaded Jack Dorsey to not ban Nick Fuentes and Jack Posobiec when he was Twitter CEO

From an April 8, 2023, Twitter Space
CALLER: Hey, man, I had to drop off, my phone died, and so I missed probably about 30 minutes of this. But I recall you saying when you were talking about Nick [Fuentes] earlier that you were going to get to this story about how you intervened for him not to be deplatformed earlier. Did you — did you tell that story?
ALI ALEXANDER (“STOP THE STEAL" ORGANIZER): I did not tell that story.
CALLER: All right. Well, I'd love to hear it, whether you tell it on this Space or a future Space. It's a gentle nudge. You gave us a prompt.
ALEXANDER: Yeah. What I'll say is that in January — was it January 2019? — was the first time I met Jack Dorsey in person. It was at the Twitter HQ. I think it was January. No, no, no, no. January 2018. Was it? Ah, man, I forgot.
So January 20, whatever it was, I met Jack Dorsey for the first time. We had been privately corresponding for months and I walked into Twitter HQ with a list of 30 things I was mad about, and I thought, OK, Jack's going to answer three of these questions. And, you know, his secretary showed me to where he was. He was sitting on the patio and I came and set out and he's like, “Let's hang out." And we're hanging out. And he was like, “Well, what do you got there?" And I said, “Oh, this is a list of concerns that my movement has." And he said, “All right. Let's go through them all."
And for the next three hours, we went through all of them. And at the end, he says, “Is there anything else that needs to be on my radar?" And I said, “There's a lot of accusations of racism. And they're turning louder and louder and louder. And I want you to know that it looks like to me that they're going to weaponize the narrative on racism, the other side, the left, and they're going to accuse people who are definitely not racist." And he said, "Who are some names?" I said, “Jack Posobiec and Nick Fuentes." And I said, "If you could never ban them, we could keep the Overton window open." And they were never banned, you know, during that period of time.
So it was kind of funny because I called Jack Posobiec right afterwards. And we talked about it and, you know, I've mentioned it, you know, two times or whatever to Nick in passing. But, you know, like I said — people, this is why I'm never wrong about people, because I know something about them that's not been made public, whether it's [Steve] Bannon, whether it's Jack Dorsey, whether it's Ye, whether it's [Donald] Trump, you know, all these characters.
And, you know, I found Jack to be a nuanced individual. Part of what actually united Jack and I on in talking in dialogue was the fact that I am a conservative who has a Black experience and wants to talk about race in an academic way. And — but I still have my position and he still has his. And — but Jack really does prize the spectrum of thought. And I appreciated that, you know, where he could, he intervened, you know, and you can't win everything. You can't — you know, people, “Oh, you're the CEO." You still can't win everything. These are human networks, so.