“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander: Trump's indictment is “worse than the Civil War”
Alexander on Jack Smith: “America has not had a traitor so traitorous to our country since Benedict Arnold. … Indict me. I don’t care.”
"Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander: Trump's indictment is "worse than the Civil War"

From an August 2, 2023, online stream
ALI ALEXANDER (“STOP THE STEAL” ORGANIZER): I haven't read the full indictment, the 45-page indictment against the 45th president, which was entirely on purpose. I mean, you begin to see that Jack Smith was selected because of his pettiness. That Merrick Garland picked this garbage, ugly, junkyard dog to prosecute and persecute Trump in the worst of ways. And this guy is just petty. He's — it's — one of the great things — and I'm just like kind of processing this out loud with you all — one of the great things about yesterday — and when I say great, they're all horrible.
But one of the great things about yesterday was finally — you know, I've been waiting — I've been waiting for six years, six or five years, for people to start sounding like me. And finally on Fox News, I heard multiple guests say, “This is the worst prosecution in American history. This is the worst — this is the worst legal case in American history. This is the worst.” And it is. It is. People don't like it when I say this is worse than the Civil War. This is worse. I mean, if you want to really put this in perspective, America has not had a traitor so traitorous to our country since Benedict Arnold. And I mean Jack Smith.
And on Twitter, they're all like, “Ali better be careful.” All these left-wing Twitter accounts, “Ali better be careful or Jack Smith's going to indict him.” Indict me. I don't care. I do not care, you know? And so I just — but like, you know, I don't know what offends me more. I don't know if I'm more sad that law and order is dead, or that it's obvious law and order's dead, or that the people are too stupid to know that law and order is dead. I really think it's the last one.