NY Daily News and Andrea Tantaros still have not corrected Obama vacay whopper

I want to write for the Daily News! Because apparently if you make stuff up and put it print (at least if you do it while attacking Michelle Obama), you never have to concede your mistake.


The whopper, of course, was this one:

While many of us are struggling, the First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her “closest friends.”

Um, the First Lady traveled with two friends, not 40. Kinda of a big deal, right? Not for Tantaros and the Daily News, which never posted a correction. And now Tantaros is back for her second vacation-bashing column and she doesn't say boo about the stuff she made up last week.

And oh yeah, Tantaros appears to be pushing a fresh lie this week -- Obama's vacation cost $75,000 a day. Sure would love to know how Tantaros convinced Daily News editors to publish that dubious claim.