Weekly Paper Depicts Obamas as 'Sanford & Son'

A Long Island weekly newspaper is taking heat after running a photo spread that included a depiction of Barack and Michelle Obama as characters on the 70's sitcom “Sanford & Son.”

“Phillip Sciarello, publisher and part owner of the Smithtown Messenger, defended the decision to publish the photo, but added the newspaper would run a retraction in its next edition for anyone who might have been offended,” the Associated Press reported.

At issue is a photo spread with before and after shots of the last six presidents and their wives. The Obama photo, however, used an image from “Sanford & Son” for the “after” shot.

“The controversy prompted the Brookhaven town board to remove one of the Messenger's sister publications, the Brookhaven Review, as an official newspaper, meaning it will no longer publish town government legal notices,” AP added. Tracey Edwards, the NAACP's Long Island regional director, told AP the portrayal of the Obamas was “despicable and disrespectful. If this was intended as satire, it misses the mark.”

See the images HERE.