Ben Shapiro accuses California of “allowing people to attempt to kidnap kids and gender change them”
From the September 7, 2022, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): This is an amazing move by the state of California. And, of course, it would be shocking if Democrats nationwide did not want to emulate it.
I've been saying for a long time that one of the great fears I have is that states like California are going to make it, essentially, illegal to raise your kid in traditional ways. That if you tell your kid, for example, that traditional marriage is morally-superior to same-sex marriage in the state of California, then there will be a move to say that you're a bigot and that -- for example, if you homeschool your kid, it's no longer accredited. Right? And we're going to take your kid and we're going to put your kid into an indoctrinating public school, for example. I've been saying for a long time that I think that states like California are going to crack down on every 5013(c), every charitable group in the jurisdiction that doesn't agree with their social policy.
Now they're going even further and they're, basically, allowing people to attempt to kidnap kids and gender change them without the permission of both parents. Which is just madness.