Ben Shapiro condemns Donald Trump for using campaign money to fund his legal bills, urges viewers to donate to Jenna Ellis’ defense fund
Shapiro: “Isn't there a tacit admission there that either he's not worth as much money as he says he is, or that he would rather use your money to fund his legal bills than his own money to fund his legal bills?”
From the August 18, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): When I look at the polling data, what I see is that the American people, not the Republican base, the American people are not particularly interested in Donald Trump's legal troubles as the point of referendum. The notion that what this campaign should actually be is about funding Donald Trump's legal troubles -- by the way, it's not clear that he's funding anybody else's legal troubles. He's had a bunch of lawyers who were very loyal to him. And the minute that they said that they are not in favor of him being the nominee, apparently, he's cut them off. That includes Jenna Ellis. Right. Jenna Ellis is out there basically asking for donations to her legal fund. And I urge people to give to Jenna Ellis' legal fund, by the way. But Jenna Ellis is now un-personed because she is not sufficiently sycophantic to Trump personally.
Is this a way to run a campaign? Again, I'm just asking you. You can be a Trump supporter. You can love the guy. You can think he was a great president in every aspect. That's all fine. That's all dandy. You can say that if he's the nominee, you'll vote for him. If he's the nominee, I'll vote for him. But that is not the question. The question is, if he is the nominee, what is this campaign likely to be about? Are you there to fund Donald Trump's legal troubles, or are you there to beat Joe Biden? These are not synonymous.
By the way, Donald Trump -- one other question. You know, thank God, I make a very nice living. If, God forbid, I have legal troubles, I will pay for those legal troubles using the nice living that I have made. Donald Trump is eons wealthier than I am. He has a multiple of wealth that I do. Donald Trump is supposedly one of the richer people on planet Earth. According to Donald Trump, he's worth up to 10 billion dollars. Why is he using his campaign funds to fund his legal problems? This is a serious question. Why? I mean, shouldn't he be using them to beat Joe Biden? Forget about the idea that his own supporters are really hoping he'll use the funding not for his legal funding, but for everything else. Isn't there a tacit admission there that either he's not worth as much money as he says he is, or that he would rather use your money to fund his legal bills than his own money to fund his legal bills? Like, why is his money not being used for his own legal problems and for legal problems of his allies, by the way?