Ben Shapiro defends Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene's appointment to the House Oversight Committee
“It is good to have people who are more firebrandy, like Boebert, on committees like that one. Marjorie Taylor Greene.”
From the January 18, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): Republicans are getting hit for putting a bunch of firebrands and a couple of kooks on the House Oversight Committee. Again, the game that is being played here is that Republicans might not have done that, right? Republicans might not have put Paul Gosar on, for example, the House Oversight Committee if Democrats had not been in the habit of kicking people off committees. So now the game is going to be Democrats seat everybody, Republicans seat everybody and they kick other people of the opposing party who they don't like off these various committees.
It is worth noting here the media is making a huge deal over the fact that you have some of the, sort of, more loud members of the caucus -- more of the media-centric members of the caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar on the House Oversight Committee. But let me read you a list of the people on the House Oversight Committee.
So, like a thousand people on the Oversight Committee, obviously.
This is making everybody in the media utterly insane. But the reality is that putting people on the Oversight Committee so that they can ask tough questions of member of government is really not the biggest deal in the world. And it is good to have people who are more firebrandy, like Boebert, on committees like that one. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
If you're going to put people on committees then that seems like a pretty good committee to put them on. Those are the investigative committees where they, actually, would like to be and you're going to get a lot of aggressive questions answered.