Ben Shapiro: “If you want Donald Trump not to screw with the elections anymore and you think he's really gonna screw with the elections, you ought to vote for Donald Trump”
Shapiro: “Then he'll be in for another term, and then he'll be done”
From the January 16, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): So with Donald Trump as the presumptive 2024 nominee and Joe Biden ailing and Kamala Harris being the backup -- woo is that a stinker of a decision by Joe Biden -- the panic has set in on the Democratic side of the aisle. Like, full-scale panic. And this, by the way, is also an ally of Trump. Because the more you keep telling us that Trump is Mussolini, that he's Hitler, that the world's gonna end if he's elected president, the more everybody looks at you like you're crazy because you are. Here is the thing -- no matter what you think of Donald Trump, the notion that Donald Trump is in the same league as Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini is an absurdity. He was already president once. And you know what happened? Some tax cuts, some Supreme Court appointments, pretty good foreign policy, a good economy, some bad governance during COVID, and then he said a bunch of dumb stuff between November 4th and January 6th and a few hundred people walked into the Capitol building, some of whom were rioting, some of whom just walked in. And then within three hours, they were cleared, and then he wasn't president anymore. That's the story. Does that sound like Mussolini or Hitler to you? Was it the March on Rome? Was it Hitler's Reichstag fire? Like, what exactly -- where is the comp? I need the comp in order to really understand the claim that you are making.
By the way, a point that I've been making recently to some of my Democratic friends who are saying that, well, if Donald Trump were to win, it would end democracy. There'd be no more elections. Quick point for you, point of order, Donald Trump will have served two terms at that point. He will no longer be eligible for president. He will not be allowed to be on ballots across the United States. So, actually, if you want Donald Trump not to screw with the elections anymore and you think he's really gonna screw with the elections, you ought to vote for Donald Trump, and then he'll be in for another term, and then he'll be done. And then he'll go around talking about how he won three terms as president and all the rest of it.