Ben Shapiro likens President Biden's State of the Union to Kurt Cobain committing suicide
Shapiro: “Joe Biden is the Kurt Cobain of politics. He put a shotgun in the mouth of the American body politic and then pulled the trigger. And the brains are on the wall”
From the March 2, 2022, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): When you're the President of the United States, and you've had the worst 14 months of any president of the United States ever, ever – I mean, Abraham Lincoln had a full-scale insurrection on his hands in the beginning of his administration – that wasn't caused by Abraham Lincoln. Everything bad that has happened over the last 14 months is a completely self-inflicted wound.
Joe Biden is the Kurt Cobain of politics. He put a shotgun in the mouth of the American body politic and then pulled the trigger. And the brains are on the wall. OK? The President of the United States is really, really bad at this. And because he is so bad at this, he has to just lie to you. He has to explain to you, actually everything is fine. Everything is perfectly good. Not only -- we've done an incredible job.