Ben Shapiro mocks women who wear white to honor the suffrage movement
Shapiro: “Nancy Pelosi will again be wearing white which is her typical ‘I'm a woman of power' routine. It's really stupid and really irritating.”
From the February 4, 2020, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): Here's what we can expect according to The Washington Post. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will again be wearing white which is her typical “I'm a woman of power" routine. It's really stupid and really irritating. Sitting behind Trump and next to VP Pence in honor of the suffragist movement, according to an adviser.
Can we get over this idea that women are in somehow real electoral danger in the United States, that we need to pay homage to the suffragettes? It was made part of the United States Constitution like at the beginning of the 20th century that women can vote. We are a century removed from that. Can we get over it a little bit? I'm sorry, Nancy Pelosi wearing white is not -- women constitute the majority of people in college and the people in medical school. Like, can we get over this idea that women -- they're the majority of the workforce in the United States now. Women are not wildly put upon in any systemic level in the United States. It's just bullcrap. And this whole I am woman hear me roar, watch as I wear this white coat and demonstrate suffragettes -- like come on, come on, come on. Dozens of Democratic women will also be wearing white because female power.