Ben Shapiro says that after impeaching Donald Trump, “it was only a matter of time until Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry into -- into Joe Biden”


From the December 14, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show

BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): The Democrats opened this can. They opened this can, and now the can is open. Democrats impeached Donald Trump not once, but twice. And they did it on the basis of no criminality. They did not even allege criminality in their impeachment proceedings. They opened inquiries over a phone call that he had with Volodymyr Zelenskyy with regard, actually, specifically and weirdly, to an investigation by the Ukrainians into the corruption of Burisma. Turns out that corruption, fairly obviously, is real. So, that is number one. And then number two was over January 6th where no criminal charges were actually alleged by the members of the House impeachment committee.

And so, once that can was open, the notion that Republicans were not going to use that against Joe Biden is insane. When you impeach somebody not once, but twice, and when you threaten to impeach him on day one, which is what Democrats did -- the minute that Donald Trump entered office -- it was only a matter of time until Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry into -- into Joe Biden. And one of two things will happen - either mutually assured destruction will be restored, in which case both parties go, listen, we can't keep impeaching each other's presidents. We really can't. Or it'll be like this all the way until the end of time. And if it's like this, I suppose it's like this. Doesn't seem like the end of the world to me, frankly. Investigations, subpoenas, presidents being held under the gun -- alright. I mean, if this is the world the Democrats chose for all of us to live in, I guess I can live with that. Don't threaten me with a good time.