Ben Shapiro: “The stakes for the Speakership of the House are incredibly low”
From the January 4, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): Alrighty. Well, we are now in the midst of day two of Kevin McCarthy's attempt to become House Speaker.
And here's the wonderful thing about politics: if you watch it as a tragedy, it's really sad. But if you watch it as a comedy, it's actually super duper funny. And right now what is happening – it's funny mainly because the stakes are so low. Let's be real about this. The stakes for the Speakership of the House are incredibly low at this point because all the leader of the House, basically, has to do is say no to most of Joe Biden's proposals.
There are certain things the speaker of the House – whoever it is – is not going to do. Those things include an interminable government shutdown with no end. I know there are some people who think that if you get a conservative enough leader in the speakership of the House, that person is just never going to sign a check ever again as Speaker of the House. That is not going to happen because that is political suicide. This has been proven over the course of the last ten years repeatedly, overtly, over and over and over again. So, that's not going to happen.