Huff Post's Calderone On NPR: 60 Minutes Let Concerns About Politics “Override Common Sense” In Ignoring Criticism

From the November 8 edition of National Public Radio's All Things Considered:

DAVID FOLKENFLIK: [60 Minutes' Benghazi report] also sparked criticism from the liberal watch dog Media Matters. Its CEO, David Brock, is closely allied with Hillary Clinton -- then Secretary of State and now a likely presidential candidate -- and CBS branded that criticism 'partisan.' Again, Michael Calderone.

MICHAEL CALDERONE: And let's be honest. Benghazi has been a political football for more than a year, so in some sense it's understandable that they would think politics could be at play. But if that was the situation, they let that override common sense.


From “Proud” To Pulled: A Timeline Of 60 Minutes' Benghazi Trainwreck

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