BENNY JOHNSON (HOST): Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. I'm very, very excited to announce something to you live right now on the program popping this up. Look at that. That's our first graphic. We're gonna fix the graphic a little bit, but this is good enough.
Tomorrow, Speaker Johnson has said, "Dear son of mine," because I'm his son. You know? I'm one of I think he's got, like, 12 sons. Alright? Adopted son of his. I'm not. There's actually no relation. I don't think. I don't think. I haven't actually checked.
But Speaker Johnson has invited our show to stream live from his office. He says, "Come on down and hang out for the State of the Union." So we are heading to Washington, D.C., once more. Will Donald Trump jump on the stream? Well, he will literally be, like, within arms reach of us.
So maybe, maybe Trump will walk right by us. It'll be freaking awesome. Tomorrow night, we're gonna have so many incredible Americans on our stream from right inside of The US Capitol. Nobody will be streaming closer or with more access to the action than our program. We're gonna have a little nonstop buffet of based. It'll be happening right inside of Speaker Johnson's office.
Huge guests have been booked. Maybe some of the people on this graphic. We'll see. We'll see, ladies and gentlemen. Donald Trump will be giving his State of the Union address tomorrow.
It's technically called a joint address to congress. Shut up. Who cares? Stop being a nerd. Alright?
It's just Donald Trump going absolutely balls to the wall. And he said it this morning in a Truth Social. I'm sorry to put you, I'm sorry to put producers on the spot. Can we grab that? Donald Trump on truth social saying, I'm going in big tomorrow night.
We're gonna rock it. Get ready. Gonna have both houses of Congress there -- Senate, and the House. It's gonna be freaking awesome. Donald Trump saying this.
What does he say? "Tomorrow night will be big. I will tell it like it is." And guess what? We'll be streaming live inside of the speaker's office, and we'll have so many special guests.
So please lock in and prepare. It's gonna be really fun.