Benny Johnson: “Poor people pay nothing into the system. Poor people live off the rich people.”
Johnson: “The rich people pay for the poor people”
From the March 24, 2025, edition of The Benny Show, streamed on YouTube
BENNY JOHNSON (HOST): If you're a member of Congress and you're asked about, like, do rich people pay more money? The reporter's like, rich people pay a lot more into the system than poor people. In fact, poor people pay nothing into the system. Poor people live off the rich people. The rich people are the only ones who pay taxes. The middle class are the only ones who pay taxes. If you're a poor person, you pay zero taxes. So the rich people pay for the poor people. Right? You understand that. Right? Because if you're paying zero into the system because you make zero money, but you're taking all the SNAP benefits and welfare benefits and Medicaid benefits and Medicare benefits and child benefits, then you're paying nothing. You're getting all the benefit. The rich person's paying all the money in the system. In fact, the top 1% pay something close to, like, 60% of the actual revenue that the IRS generates. So see how that works?