Newsflash: Bill O'Reilly Thinks Voters Are Morons

Last night, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly mocked a guest who suggested voters blame Republicans for the faltering economy. Only a “moron” would do that, O'Reilly claimed:

The truth is, despite right-wing spin on Bush's behalf, a plurality of voters do blame Republicans for the current state of the economy. So does that make them all morons, Bill?

See here [emphasis added]:

When asked who's to blame for the current economic circumstances, 48 percent point the finger at the GOP and 40 percent blame Obama. Centrists hold Republicans more responsible than the president by a 2-to-1 margin (56 percent compared to 28 percent


A new Quinnipiac poll finds American voters disapprove of the way President Obama is handling the economy, 56% to 38%, but they trust the president more than congressional Republicans by 45% to 38%.

Most interesting: 71% say the country is in a recession, but by 54% to 27% they blame former President George W. Bush more than President Obama.


Buried in the latest McClatchy/Marist poll was an interesting nugget. Although Americans are upset about the economy, 61% of those polled still think that Obama inherited the recession.

And here:

When asked whether the policies of President Obama and the Democrats or Bush and the Republicans are more responsible for the country's current economic problems, 57 percent said Bush and the Republicans are more responsible, according to the CNN/ORC poll, while just 29 percent said Obama and the Democrats are more responsible. 10 percent said both are responsible while three percent indicated they find neither to be culpable.