Bill O’Reilly attempted to smear Hillary Clinton’s position on reproductive rights as “extreme,” stating Clinton believed “that any late term abortion should be acceptable if the mother’s health is in some kind of jeopardy,” falsely claiming “health could mean anything.” In reality, these abortions are extremely rare and O’Reilly’s claim that doctors might exaggerate a woman’s health risk does not line up with accounts given by women that have actually had late-term abortions. More significantly, the Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed Roe v. Wade, and rather than “extreme,” a health exception to a late-term abortion ban is constitutionally required in order to protect the mother's life or health. From the November 4 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor:
O'Reilly Ignores Roe v. Wade, Calls Hillary Clinton's Position On Health Exceptions To Abortion Bans “Extreme”
Women Have A Constitutional Right To Abortion, And Bans On Late-Term Access Must Have Exceptions To Protect Life And Health Of the Mother
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