O'Reilly's lexicon: “An 'oligarchy' is when rich people run the country”

On his nationally syndicated radio show, FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly defined the word oligarchy as follows: “An 'oligarchy' is when rich people run the country.” O'Reilly unveiled this new definition in ridiculing a remark by rock icon Bruce Springsteen, who explained his opposition to President George W. Bush in part by saying: “I don't want to watch the country devolve into an oligarchy.”

In fact, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines oligarchy as “government by the few”; a different word, plutocracy, means “government by the wealthy.”

O'Reilly then explained to his listeners that the United States has always been an “oligarchy”; labeled Springsteen a “left-wing loon” and a “greed-head”; and suggested that Springsteen should “give millions back to the federal government” if he's concerned about wealth distribution in the United States.

From the September 24 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: All right, Bruce Springsteen. And I got lots of calls, so I'm just going to do this quick.

He says, “I don't want to watch the country devolve into an oligarchy.” An “oligarchy” is when rich people run the country.

Now, rich people have been running for president, Bruce, since George Washington, sir, so you really need to get a little bit of a frame of reference, OK? [Quoting Springsteen] “And watch the division of wealth increase, see another million people beneath the poverty line this year.”

Well, Bruce, baby, you can give millions back to the federal government. I will send you the forms, OK? As far as I know, you have not done that.

[Quoting Springsteen] “I think FOX News and the Republican Right have intimidated the press into an incredible self-consciousness about appearing objective and backed them into a corner.” Of course, it's all FOX News's fault, Bruce.


Yeah. Some cable channel is intimidating all of the networks. [Quoting Springsteen] “I don't know if it began with the Iraq war, but shortly afterwards, enormous [sic] amount of FOX impersonators among what you previously saw were relatively sane media outlets.” “I've found enormous sustenance from Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd on the op-ed page of The New York Times [sic].”


Look, Bruce, you want to be a left-wing loon, you go right ahead and be one. But don't be lecturing the country about how there are poor people here and you don't like the division of wealth. Just give away your money, sir. OK? Give away your money.

You live -- what does he have -- three estates? He's got three huge estates. I'm sure your nut [sic] is out spending on yourself more than -- you know, it's got to be in the millions, just spending on yourself, Bruce.

Now, you have a right to do it. You earned it. And you got a right to spend as much money as you want. But don't be lecturing the government about the division of wealth when you are a greed-head. All right? Is that clear enough? Did I make it clear?


O'REILLY: OK. You're born in the USA, Bruce, but you're way off.