Michael Savage on the Kenosha shooting: “This is just the beginning of the war that is going on."
Savage: “If there is a defense fund for this kid, we're going to raise money for him. Justice must prevail.”
Michael Savage on the Kenosha shooter: "If there is a defense fund for this kid we're going to raise money for him. Justice must prevail."

From the August 26, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Savage Nation
MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): This is a very, very hard day in the United States of America. The young man, the teen, the 17-year-old who was knocked to the ground by the vermin and defended himself in the war in Wisconsin in a gun battle, shot two people, has just been arrested, and charged with first-degree homicide. Now I don't know whether this kid is going to eventually get enough money together to defend himself but I will tell you this. Armed citizens who are protecting Kenosha from, quote, thugs who are looting and such, this is just the beginning of the war that is going on. It has been a one-way war. Nobody wants the violence. We have been asking antifa to be arrested. We have been asking the president to declare them what they are, domestic terrorists along with their cohorts and the other so-called letter groups, the short letter groups. You cannot burn businesses to the ground in this country and not expect people to fight back. Well it happened. It happened in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin 17-year-old was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for defending himself. Now if you look at the video, he was knocked to the ground by a thug who had a loaded handgun, a very powerful automatic weapon, semi-automatic handgun. He had him on the ground, and this juvenile was just charged with first-degree murder for the Kenosha riot shooting, defended himself in my estimation by firing from the ground with a rifle. They ID-ed the white kid in record time. The 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested almost immediately in connection with the shooting that left two dead and one wounded. If there is a defense fund for this kid, we're going to raise money for him. Justice must prevail.