Steve Deace insults fellow BlazeTV host Mark Levin
Deace: " I mean, that's kind of the generational divide here. We'll just go to rallies, we'll just watch Fox, we'll just write books decade after decade. We'll just, you know, genuflect and assume the position and put out for the Republican Party"
From the May 17, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): Our mutual friend Ryan Walters texted me this morning. He's the superintendent of Oklahoma Schools. He said, -- had a state senator come up to him recently and say, you're just pushing people too hard. Republicans frankly are getting tired of defending what you're -- what you're trying to do, and your rhetoric. He said he asked him point blank, do you think that what they're trying to do with our schools is evil? And he said, yes. He goes, then why wouldn't we do everything we could possibly do to stop it? And I asked him, I said, how old was this state senator that came to you? He goes, oh, much older than me. I said, well, there you go. That's kind of the -- that's kind of the paradigm. You know?
I mean, Mark Levin goes from writing Liberty and Tyranny to now spending a second day on his show this week calling our mutual friend Josh Hammer a RINO. Okay. I mean, that's kind of the generational divide here. We'll just go to rallies, we'll just watch Fox, we'll just write books decade after decade. We'll just, you know, genuflect and assume the position and put out for the Republican Party, and don't ask for, like, any discernible policy outcomes whatsoever. Or, we're going to have to have real policy outcomes or we're extinct. That's basically the option, win or die. Is there another option I'm not aware of?
DANIEL HOROWITZ (GUEST): Start with the premise that what we're doing is not working. What we're all doing is not working, it's not good enough. We're losing everything. What is it we can do to put our minds together? Iron sharpens iron --
DEACE: Memes. Memes.
HOROWITZ: And we could do --
DEACE: No. No, I've got your answer. Memes.
HOROWITZ: But -- but -- but Steve, the reason is there is no impetus for such a discussion because most of our colleagues don't feel that sense of urgency, because what they're doing is working. They're earning 3 million, 5 million, 7 million dollars, their name's all over the place. They enjoy it. I'm not saying they don't believe in anything, but it just -- it is not strong enough.
DEACE: It does -- absolutely changes your perspective, that level of money, and especially if you don't have little kids at home. So you're not coming home every day still looking -- now, you're -- you're younger than me, so you have younger kids than I do. But I still come home every day and look at two teenagers that are living my home and look at them every day, and I am reminded of what is at stake and how the clock is ticking before they are out of my home and out of that comfort zone, and now have to navigate this demonic swamp on their own.
If you don't have that, your kids are long gone or you never had any kids, or you're a multi-millionaire, it just -- it absolutely changes your sense of urgency on things regardless of your worldview. That's just a fact. It does.