Norm Coleman is a sore loser. Why won't the press say so, cont'd

This is what happens when the press plays nice with Coleman's hardball tactics; when the press refuses to call Coleman a sore loser.

From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

Coleman asks state Supreme Court to take it slow

The Trib reports:

Coleman, a Republican, proposed to the court that his appeal of Democrat Al Franken's victory in the recent Senate election trial be argued no sooner than mid-May, two weeks later than Franken suggested on Tuesday.

Coleman doesn't even want the recount trial to begin until May, which was when some Minnesota court watches thought the case might conclude.

As we noted earlier, as Coleman and his attorneys look over their recount legal options, they in no way have to be concerned about, or factor into play, the potential “sore loser” meme that could do real damage to his effort. They can play hardball with impunity because they're getting a free pass from the press.

(h/t Gawker)