Trust me, I don't want to keep writing about the hilarious right-wing attempts to inflate Saturday's crowd, and how bloggers pushing the fake facts appear to occupy a Bizarro-type parallel universe, but given what's going on online, I don't really have a choice.
I'll try to make this quick playing off Ben's post below which noted that right-wingers were excitedly quoting a National Parks spokesman claiming Saturday's rally was the biggest every. Wrong, the Parks Service quote in question came from Jan. and it was about Obama's inauguration.
Got it? Ok. Now, how did bloggers who first floated the phony Parks Service quote deal with the embarrassing revelation that they were quoting statistic for a Democratic event? If you're Thomas Lifson and you blog at American Thinker you do this:
[Note to readers: in my haste, I misread the Globe report forwarded to me as referring to the 9/12 deminstrations. I apologize. TL]
See, simple explanation. Lifson even provided a link to the Boston Globe article that he confesses he read too quickly, and which lead to his bogus post. Slight problem, though.
Here's the Globe headline [emphasis added]:
Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record
And here's the lede:
WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.
Simple question for Lifson: How could anybody with a fourth grade education or beyond read that (“Inaugural”) headline and that (“inauguration”) lede and not know the article was about....Obama's inauguration? It makes no sense that somehow a rushed blogger could be confused about the context. What does make a bit more sense though, is that some bloggers knew the Parks Service quote was bogus (i.e. it wasn't about 9/12 rally) and posted it anyway, and are only now playing dumb because they've been caught.