If you ever want to see a clear example of how GOP talking points miraculously transform into mainstream media 'news,' check out today's inside Beltway crib sheet, The Note, which goes on and on and about how the week-old oil spill off the coast of Louisiana is (or, might) be morphing into a political problem for the White House. (It's just like Katrina!)
But guess who the spill is not a problem for, according to The Note's coverage? Answer: Republicans. (Or the oil industry.) At ABC News, the political party that's synonymous with a pro-drilling agenda has nothing to fear from the massive oil spill. And guess what? The GOP's pro-oil VP candidate who made “Drill, baby drill” a household phrase, also has nothing to fear from the massive oil spill. (Her name never comes up.)
At least that how The Note sees it. And yes, that's exactly how the GOP sees it, too