UPDATE: Like clockwork, Fox Nation promotes WND's “Homo Depot” story

It was only a matter of time.

Fox Nation has linked to World Net Daily's “exclusive” story titled "'Homo Depot'? Chain hosts kiddie crafts at 'gay' fests," which I posted about earlier this afternoon.

The despicable premise of the story is that Home Depot is somehow helping to recruit kids for the “homosexual lifestyle” with it's “children's craft workshops” at various LGBT pride events this summer. As I said in the post from earlier today:

I hate to break it to Schilling and the [American Family Association], but LGBT people do have children. The notion that such activities at LGBT Pride functions might be an effort to “introduce children to the homosexual lifestyle” is vile bigotry intended to perpetuate the bogus myth that LGBT people are recruited into some sort of cult hell bent on advancing “the gay agenda.”

By offering a link and write-up of WND's latest homophobic screed, Fox Nation is promoting an organization -- the AFA -- that thinks too many Indian-Americans are winning spelling bees and that gay sex is tantamount to domestic terrorism.

It is just another example of Fox News' love/hate relationship with the LGBT community, which I wrote about in detail this past April, concluding:

That ultimately is what's truly sad about News Corp.'s [Fox News' parent company] relationship with its LGBT “friends.” The media company gives its employees decent protections and benefits while making the lives of the very same employees more difficult in the long-run by broadcasting homophobia and misinformation that harden anti-LGBT views and slow the movement for full equality under the law.