Washington Times op-ed: “Homosexual left” tried to “impose a radical social experiment on the American Military” with DADT repeal

In an October 7 Washington Times op-ed, Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, accused the “Liberals of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) left” of attempting to “impose a radical social experiment on the American military.” Donnelly called DADT's failure to pass “a triple victory for our military, but it could be undone if liberals succeed in backdoor efforts to impose the LGBT agenda on troops whose views have not been heard.” From the Washington Times:

Liberals of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) left are really angry now. On Sept. 21, despite their multimillion-dollar public-relations and lobbying campaign, the U.S. Senate refused to impose a radical social experiment on the American military. Had the LGBT forces prevailed, military men and women would be required to pay the price. Liberals in Congress don't care - in the debate so far, they have treated the troops as an afterthought.


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