Beck Still Won't Admit He Has No Evidence That Islamic-Communist Caliphate Is Coming To Europe

On his Fox News show today, Glenn Beck tried once again to claim vindication for his bizarre theories that communists and Islamists are working together to establish a caliphate in the Middle East, parts of Europe, and elsewhere in the world.

Beck has been trying for months -- with very little success -- to prove his theories about unrest in the Middle East are correct. So tonight we listened closely when, after discussing protests sweeping the region, Beck said: “We were wrong when I said on this program that it would spread to Europe. Oh, hang on just a second.”

Beck proceeded to say he's now found “a letter from the Union of Islamic Student Association[s] in Europe to Mr. Obama.” Beck then read a passage from the letter.


So, did Beck find a nut? Of course not. The screen behind Beck when he displays the letter from the Union of Islamic Student Associations in Europe reveals that he went trolling on some Iranian website no one has ever heard of to find his evidence. Furthermore, the letter does not even discuss Europe, just the United States and the Middle East.

That's not to say the letter isn't crazy. It alludes to both 9-11 trutherism and Holocaust denial. It's possible that the people behind the letter would indeed like a caliphate in Europe.

But does this group have any power? Is anyone listening to them besides Beck? Beck doesn't appear to have any evidence of that.

I'll close with a piece of advice for Beck: Just because you found a crazy group with “Islamic” and “Europe” in its name doesn't mean you've proved your theory that Islamists are about to take over Europe. Maybe you should think for just a second before saying things on the air. But then again, if you did that, perhaps you'd have nothing to say.