Nugent: “Dishonest Scare Tactics And Modern-Day Economic Slavery Are The Hallmarks Of The Democratic Party”

In a September 21 Washington Times column, Ted Nugent claimed “Dishonest scare tactics and modern-day economic slavery are the hallmarks of the Democratic Party.” From The Washington Times:

The Democratic fear-mongering machine is on a full-tilt boogie to scare the elderly into believing that Mr. Perry wants to throw them out in the street. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth, but no one with an ounce of brains has ever thought truth was a core value of the Democratic Party or its media. Dishonest scare tactics and modern-day economic slavery are the hallmarks of the Democratic Party.

When elected president, Mr. Perry won't order the Treasury Department to stop mailing out Social Security checks to the elderly. What he is going to do is revamp the program so that future generations of Americans aren't subjected to the same Ponzi-scheme-like fraud that has been forced on retirees.


Nugent Blames Liberals, “Political Street-Corner Dope-Pusher” Obama For “Gangland Rioting”

Democrats Are “Slave Master[s]”: Ted Nugent's History Of Inflammatory Rhetoric

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