's Changing America Highlights A Media Matters Study To Discuss The Exclusion Of Latinos From Policy Debates Outside Of Immigration host Maria Teresa Kumar discussed the media's lack of inclusion of Latinos on issues important to Hispanics like education, the economy, and foreign policy, highlighting a Media Matters study, which found that Latinos were only included in policy discussions on Sunday news shows to talk about immigration.

During the March 17 edition of Changing America, Kumar discussed the findings of the Media Matters report with Danny Vargas, founder and president of VARCom Solutions and Raben Group's Lawrence Gonzalez. Vargas responded to the study commenting that for Latinos, “immigration is important, but so is education, jobs,” and foreign policy. Gonzalez chided the news shows asserting that “people who are making these decisions at the news stations need to be thinking about what their impact is in our community.”

Kumar also explained that Spanish-language media has also fed into the stereotype that immigration is the only issue important to Latinos, ignoring important needs of the Hispanic community which can affect their future. Watch: