Breitbart's Big Journalism proves our point about MSNBC

The point is this: MSNBC is not just like Fox News. It's not the partisan opposite of Rupert Murdoch's propaganda outlet, simply because MSNBC regularly features open debate, whereas Fox News does not.

Oddly enough, that point is proven by Andrew Breitbart's anti-MSNBC site Big Journalism, which posted a recent clip of MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews getting frustrated with a liberal guest and angrily accusing him of defending “every single Democratic candidate.”

That's great. But the clip only proves the point we've been making for a long time: MSNBC is not the Democratic equivalent of Fox News because MSNBC, as highlighted by the Matthews clip, doesn't operate as some sort of robotic arm of a political party. MSNBC does not program its broadcast day around simply attacking one political party while blindly supporting the other.

And yes, thank you Breitbart bloggers for pointing that out.

As for conservatives who still insist MSNBC is the Democratic version of Fox News, here's your challenge: Please go find the clip from within the last year that captures a Fox News host flashing anger and berating a guest for supporting every Republican candidate.

Please find that clip from Hannity, or The O'Reilly Factor, or Glenn Beck or Fox & Friends, where the Fox News anchor turns to a GOP-friendly guest and chastises him/him for being too pro-Republican all the time.

Good luck with that search. And yeah, we'll wait....