Paging Breitbart, another conservative just played the “racist” card

In fact, it's none other than Breitbart's beloved blogging pal, Jim Hoft:

Racist Lib Linda Sanchez: White Supremists Behind Arizona Immigration Law (Audio)

Hoft's first line [emphasis added]:

Awful racist Rep. Linda Sanchez told an audience that white supremists are behind the new Arizona immigration law.

The reason I'm sending up the red flag for Breitbart is that we all know that earlier this year he announced that anyone yelling “racist,” or who allegedly plays the race card, while debating public policy in this country has to be called out as a coward and a fool. Breitbart was quite clear in his pronouncement: Nothing is more odious that calling somebody a “racist” (especially calling Tea Partiers “racists), because those targets have no way to defend themselves or clear their sullied name.


The worst thing you can do right now in the United States, in politically correct America, is to accuse somebody of being a racism [sic] through slurs and innuendo without evidence.


I find that offensive because there's nothing in this country that's a worse accusation. It's where, in America, if you accuse somebody of racism, that person has to disprove that.

So yes Andrew, I'm sure it's just a matter of hours before you take to your web site and call out Hoft, even if he's a right-wing blogging pal, and condemn him.

Unless, of course, Breitbart simply wallows in hypocrisy and doesn't believe anything he actually says. In if that's the case (hint: It is!!), than Breitbart will keep his mouth shut (again) and won't say boo about Hoft playing the race card. (i.e. It's fine when `wingers tag Dems as “racists,” and they do it all the time.)

And Breitbart will again highlight the sad state of “conservative journalism.”