Brian Kilmeade claims that Hillary Clinton “launched the Ukraine-Russia war”
Kilmeade: “Do not tell me that didn't hurt us, our relationship with Russia and ability to possibly stop what we've seen now. The death and carnage over in Ukraine.”
From the May 16, 2023, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Evidently, they sat down and talked to James Baker, the Durham report. He was one of the few major players to talk to him. And they said. "You know Hillary Clinton launched this campaign, and do you know that John Brennan briefed President [Barack] Obama about this?" And Baker left the room emotional, came back, reportedly, and said essentially, "If I had known this, as the former general counsel to the FBI, I never would've supported this probe." Now, either he's an actor and a drama queen, or he actually means it. That Barack Obama gets briefed by John Brennan, Brennan doesn't brief the FBI and says, "Hey Hillary Clinton put you up to this. This is her idea to get everybody off the trail of her emails." Hillary Clinton later admits to this, and they got fined like $20,000. $20,000. Do you know what you did to the country? And you could even say on some level you have launched the Ukraine-Russia war, because we were able to — the, President Trump was unable to have any relationship with Vladimir Putin, as diabolical as he is. Do not tell me that didn't hurt us, our relationship with Russia and ability to possibly stop what we've seen now. The death and carnage over in Ukraine.