Brian Kilmeade on Nancy Pelosi: “I'm not getting into gender, but she is emotionally losing it in every public event”
Kilmeade: “Nancy Pelosi is letting the emotion get the best of her”
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From the February 6, 2020, edition of Fox News' Outnumbered:
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): I'm going to bring something else up. Compare Mitch McConnell -- you could say the worst thing to Mitch McConnell, and if you're Donald Trump, he's said that they are -- it doesn't phase him. Everyone makes fun of him, “Well, he's so blank." He keeps his eye on the objective. Nancy Pelosi is letting the emotion get the best of her. And I don't want to get into gender, it has nothing to do with gender --
HARRIS FAULKNER (CO-HOST): No, please don't.
KILMEADE: No, but I'm not getting into gender, but she is emotionally losing it in every public event.