Fox's Brian Kilmeade: “It's not practical to think that we can do due process on 8 million people”

Co-host Lawrence Jones: Constitutional rights “are afforded to illegals in this country. We should revisit that.”

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From the March 24, 2025, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

LAWRENCE JONES (CO-HOST): The president is saying under the act that you don't have to show, you don't have to do this due process. So you have a constitutional right that is actually, they are afforded to illegals in this country. We should revisit that. But then you have a competing act that is saying, hey, if someone is a part of a foreign terrorist organization that you don't have to give them due process and they can be deported.


BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): I think that's a great point with your law enforcement background especially. But I also think it's not practical to think that we can do due process on 8 million people.



KILMEADE: There's 22 million people here at minimum, illegal already, just in the last three administrations. And there are some people that got through with Trump's administration. If we are going to give ever these guys a day in court and a lawyer, we can't do it, they don't deserve it. Our system doesn't need to be double burdened.