Fox News analyst: “I frankly don't think there's really very much evidence that Trump is much of a racist”
Brit Hume: “Anything this president does that can be seen as adverse to any minority -- immigrants, Blacks, or whoever -- is automatically seen as racist”
From the February 3, 2020, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
ED HENRY (CO-ANCHOR): So when you have this ad that's -- basically -- it's people of all races who get a second chance. But Alice Johnson, a Black woman who said, it's Donald Trump who gave me a second chance.
BRIT HUME (FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST): And that's a very powerful ad, considering the source of it. A woman who was, you know, benefited from something Trump did that was interesting and something you might not have expected from him, which is why you have even Pete Buttigieg recognizing it.
Buttigieg reflects a view that I think is pretty clear, which is anything this president does that can be seen as adverse to any minority -- immigrants, Blacks, or whoever -- is automatically seen as racist. Now, I frankly don't think there's really very much evidence that Trump is much of a racist. But it's absolutely accepted, and believed in the Democratic Party. But I don't think the people who have voted for Trump in the past think he's a racist.