Fox senior political analyst: “The war on carbon will have to be postponed if, indeed, it should ever be fought”
From the February 28, 2022, edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier
BRET BAIER (HOST): And you heard Jen Psaki over the weekend saying foreign dependence on – or dependence on foreign oil needs to stop but not by increasing US production.
BRIT HUME (GUEST): Yeah, I think, you know, what she's talking about is, you know, building more windmills and having more, you know, solar energy produced. But that's not going to solve the problem in anything like the near term or even in the near long term.
The truth is that energy security is national security. And if we're going to try to -- if this event, which is so changed opinion and so alarmed western Europe is going to be met, it's going to require huge energy production and the war on carbon will have to be postponed if, indeed, it should ever be fought.