Candace Owens: “I am a big believer that Hollywood was created by the CIA”
From the February 1, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's Candace Owens
CANDACE OWENS (HOST): And I will tell you, I am a big believer that Hollywood was created by the CIA. I believe that. I firmly believe that. You can say that's a conspiracy theory. When I think about all of the societal ills, when I think about how they artificially place people at the top of Hollywood who are preaching toxic principles -- routinely anti-family principles, now definitively satanic principles -- it just should make you pause and wonder, why is that? Why is that? Why do they reject someone like Russell Brand when he's coming up and recognizing that family and faith is turning him into a good person and yet adore individuals as they're deep in their addictions? I'm just gonna leave you guys with that thought.