Andrea Austria / Media Matters

Donald Trump Jr. is headlining a fundraiser with Candace Owens. Here are some of the extremist things she's said since leaving the Daily Wire.

Update: Owens is reportedly no longer attending

Update (7/23/24): Owens is reportedly no longer attending.

MAGA media personality Candace Owens is reportedly set to feature at a fundraiser headlined by Rumble host Donald Trump Jr.

Owens has made extremist and antisemitic remarks in the months since she was forced out at The Daily Wire — having an extremist track record there as well, including saying that “you cannot even say the word Jewish without people getting upset” when Kanye ”Ye" West wrote, “I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE.” 

  • Candace Owens is set to feature at a Trump fundraiser headlined by Donald Trump Jr.

    Jewish Insider reports:

    Donald Trump Jr. is set to headline a Trump campaign fundraiser on Friday in Nashville, Tenn., that will feature Candace Owens, the far-right pundit who has frequently advanced antisemitic commentary.

    Owens, a fervent supporter of former President Donald Trump, has in recent months amplified the ancient blood libel against Jews, downplayed the Holocaust and defended Nick Fuentes, a prominent white nationalist, among other incendiary remarks.

    In March, the 34-year-old conspiracy theorist parted ways with Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire — where she had served as a weekday host — amid mounting tensions over her increasingly antisemitic rhetoric and fierce criticism of Israel in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks.

    Trump Jr.’s scheduled appearance with Owens on Friday appears to underscore the influence he is now exerting on his father’s campaign — as Trump’s daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, have publicly distanced themselves from the former president after previously serving as top advisers in his administration.

  • Candace Owens has made numerous extremist remarks since leaving the Daily Wire. Here are some of them.

    Candace Owens referred to Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, as “a little bit uppity.”

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    Citation From a July 21, 2024, YouTube stream

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): So they, at some point, months ago, made the decision that we're gonna have to get rid of him, but we want to wait until we're close to the conventions so that we can select who we want. I personally think they want a Governor Whitmer. I personally think that they want a Gavin Newsom. They do not want Kamala Harris, and so this convention is going to get interesting. I'm not buying all of this rhetoric of everyone saying, “I'm — I stand with her.”

    They have to say that, and then I think some calls are going to be made. I think it is entirely plausible that they put somebody else in there that they actually want and can control because Kamala is a little bit uppity. And what I mean by that is she has an attitude, and she gets stubborn, and she has not been as malleable as a Biden or Clinton-type person would be. So keep your eyes and keep your eels — ears peeled because, there is more drama. As I said, no one's sleeping until November.

    During a discussion with 9/11 and Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Owens said,“I actually very much believe our state was involved” in the shooting at the Donald Trump rally.

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    Citation From the July 17, 2024, edition of Candace Owens, posted to YouTube

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): And this goes back way further in American history, and I do try to slow it down because I know that so many people are just waking up to this. And it's overwhelming, you know? It is like an avalanche. I always say that you kind of go through this period of cognitive dissonance where you just go, how could I have believed that things were happening and it was just this exceptional evil thing that took place and never considered that this could be being led by our government.

    Now let me ask you this question: why does the government do these sorts of things? So I learned in that CHAOS book about the Charles Manson murders. I very much believe that the reason for that was they wanted to end the hippie generation because they were very anti-war and our government wanted to go to war. And so by conducting this hippie commune, conducted these terrible murders in Beverly Hills, suddenly people were buying locks and people were scared again. It wasn't like the love dream and the hippie love generation suddenly came to an abrupt end. What is their issue with Trump? Explain why they would — if we are alleging, and I actually very much believe our state was involved in this. I think you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe that it was a — just a remarkable intelligence failure. I think that the crazy people are the ones that actually believe that this just happened by accident. Why would they try to assassinate Donald Trump?

    Owens criticized a Sikh prayer during the Republican National Convention, saying, “It’s not emblematic of America.”

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    Citation From the July 16, 2024, edition of Candace Owens, posted to YouTube

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): First and foremost — and I say this with the most kindness in my heart — I actually love her as a lawyer. I think she has been tremendous in fighting for American freedoms and defending the Constitution. Harmeet Dhillon — we're going to — I'm going to go ahead and show you guys in case you missed it. But she is a leader, obviously. She's a Republican leader, and she decided to lead the Republican National Convention with something known as an Ardas, OK? It is a — I guess it's a song. It's also a prayer, and it is something that is done if you adhere to Sikhism. So I just wanna go ahead and show you guys a clip of that taking place on the RNC stage. Take a listen.


    OWENS: OK. I'll let you guys comment. I got — for me, I just thought, first and foremost, what is this? Secondly, who is this for? Who is the intended audience? I guess, what is the RNC for? What is the purpose of the RNC? What is this convention about? Are we trying to bring voters in? Are we just trying to assert who we are as conservatives? If it is the former, how does this help? If it is the latter, how does this help? That gets where I was. I said, what is this? Literally, why? Why is this? I thought to myself. Again, this is not a personal jab at Harmeet Dillon. She's definitively somebody who punches for America and should be supported. But whose idea was this? That was the other thing. When you sit around and you're like, OK, we are planning the Republican convention, who rose their hand and was like, “What if we do something known as the Ardas?" And then someone said, “Tell me more. What's that?" And they said, “Oh, actually, if we didn't know about this well, first and foremost, seven percent of Americans are Asian-Americans. And of that seven percent, one percent adhere to Sikhism." “Oh, tell me more." “And of that one percent of the seven percent, they do this prayer." And then someone in that meeting said, “Yeah. No. Go with that. That's definitely the thing to do." Huh? What?

    This is why I think — and this is a moment in which I think a lot of people were responding going, what are we doing here? Are we now the same party that critiques DEI and then also practices it at certain points? Because this, for me, if I'm running the RNC, if I'm running the convention, I'm going this is just — it's not emblematic of America. So I said, you can find a melting pot in different cultures within America, but this is not something that patriots are rallying behind. This is — it doesn't make any sense for this to be on the RNC stage.

    So I saw this. I didn't think it made any sense. And I can tell you, for those of you who are like me going, what is what is Sikhism? I have no idea what this is. Here are the basic five tenets of it. They believe there's only one God, that God is without form or gender. Everyone has direct access to him. Everyone is equal before him. And a good life is served as part of a community by living honestly and caring for others. They also do not believe in empty religious rituals, and superstitions have no value. So I hope that helps you a little bit. That, by the way, those religious tenets, that is as offered by the BBC. I — if you were as confused as me, I hope now you have some clarity. And by some clarity, I mean you should still be utterly confused as to why the RNC thought that that was a necessary thing to include in its evening program.

    In order to defend Nick Fuentes from Jordan Peterson, Owens discussed how many Jews are in the Biden administration:

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    Citation From the July 9, 2024, edition of Candace Owens, posted to YouTube

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): Jordan Peterson has built himself as somebody who is calm, who is rational, who relies on logic, who is a person who believes in radical free speech. He's now coming to the aid of his daughter and essentially doubling down on calling — which is, again, a 62-year-old man calling a 24-year-old a rat. And what is the reason, by the way? Because we should also say what is it that Nick Fuentes said that garnered that response from Jordan Peterson. And Nick Fuentes wrote one word on Twitter — he wrote “Jews." Now what was that in response to? Well, somebody asked the question: We know that Joe Biden is not in control of the White House, so who is in control of the White House? And Nick Fuentes wrote a one-word response — “Jews." He's saying Jews are in control of the White House, and that garnered a response from Jordan Peterson calling him a psychopathic rat. Now, we all know that Nick Fuentes has branded himself as somebody who expressly hates Zionism, he expressly hates Israel, and he is saying that Jews in the White House are now obviously in control because Joe Biden is not.

    Now, to be fair, the Times of Israel has noted in the past — this is an actual article from them — all the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration. This is from back in 2021 when Joe Biden first was inaugurated as president. And it goes on to say, “Joe Biden filled the months before inauguration day, lining up a slate of cabinet secretaries, assistants, and advisers, many of them Jewish." It goes on to give us a rundown of all of the Jewish names, all of the Jews that they are saying are in his cabinet. You have Antony Blinken. You have David Cohen, the CIA director. You have Merrick Garland, the attorney general. You have Avril Haines, the director of National Intelligence. You have Ronald Klain, the chief of staff. So it seems a weird tweet for him to be so disturbed about.

    Now, again, it's likely because Nick Fuentes has a very long background of focusing his attention on Israel and Zionism, and that's what he is reacting to. Also because Nick Fuentes has called out Jordan Peterson explicitly for a very long time as somebody who he believes has more of an allegiance to Israel than he does to Western civilization in general, essentially, that he would put Israel before he would put Canada and before he would put America.

    Now I don't know if that's a fair critique of Jordan Peterson, but I do know that it is off-brand for him to respond by calling someone a psychopathic rat. I mean, calling somebody a name, calling somebody an animal when you are billing yourself, right, as the calm, rational psychologist, doctor who insists on logic and that the better ideas should win is just going to be off-brand.

    Owens claimed that the experiments Nazis conducted during the Holocaust sound “like bizarre propaganda.”

    Owens: “I’m not a flat-earther. I’m not a round-earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science.”

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    Citation From the July 1, 2024, edition of Candace, posted to YouTube

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): Can you guys imagine being married to me? My my poor husband, he rolls over, he's like, “What are you reading?" And I feel like a regular wife says something, I don't know, maybe a love series. Nora Roberts sweeping her away. Me, on the other hand — he rolled over, he asked me and I said, oh, I'm reading a flat Earth theory. And it dawned into an entire conversation. He's like, why are you reading a flat Earth theory? And I'm like, because somebody messaged me on Monect about it, and they included some links, and I'm just reading them. I don't know. I'm just an interested person no matter what. If there's a bunch of people that believe something, I now want to know what it is that they believe. And, of course, he pushed me on this, and he was talking about the Earth curvature and science. And I said to him, listen. I'm not a flat-earther. I'm not a round-earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science. I have left the megachurch of science because what I have now realized is that science, what it is actually, if you think about it, is a pagan faith.

    Owens: “Hollywood is, in fact, being controlled by some sort of demonic cult with an intention to corrupt our souls.”

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    Citation From the June 12, 2024, edition of Candace, posted to YouTube

    CANDACE OWENS (HOST): Here is my conclusion after having read that book and just paying attention to what is happening in my very, very real belief that Hollywood is completely being used as a form of psychological entrapment, as a form of psychological — mass psychological brainwashing. I believe the media is a form of black magic  — that people actually sat down experts and they experimented to see how people would react to certain things. Right? That they can create a celebrity virtually overnight, make people want to be like that celebrity, that they can induce people to love someone instantly or to hate somebody instantly. I'm someone that they induce people to hate immediately before they ever even heard what I had to say. They understand that headlines work. So if you say something enough times, people will believe it to be true.


    Now, suddenly the the music is so dark, it is so demonic that it has led me to believe that Hollywood is, in fact, being controlled by some sort of a demonic cult with an intention to corrupt our souls. And in particular, there definitely seems to be some sort of a deranged focus on Black people, giving us the worst filth. It's all filth, but it's almost like the worst filth that you can corrupt a soul with is reserved for Black people. 

    Owens also reportedly suggested that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee had President John F. Kennedy assassinated.

  • Even some right-wing media personalities expressed concern over Owens' appearance