Charlie Kirk amplifies since-debunked social media rumor about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio

Charlie Kirk: “Allegedly, Haitians are going around and taking people's pets and eating them”

Contrary to Kirk's claim, which is apparently based on a single anonymous Facebook post, the Springfield News-Sun reported that police have had “no reports” of pets being stolen:

The Springfield Police Division said Monday morning they have received no reports related to pets being stolen and eaten.

A social media post originally from a Springfield Facebook group went viral nationally in recent days. The original poster did not cite first-hand knowledge of an incident. Instead they claimed that their neighbor’s daughter’s friend had lost her cat and found it hanging from a branch at a Haitian neighbor’s home being carved up to be eaten.

The poster also claimed “Rangers” and police told them that “they have been doing it” at Snyder Park, too, with ducks and geese.

Springfield Police said they were aware of the social media post but that this was “not something that’s on our radar right now.” The post received tens of thousands of impressions.

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Citation From the September 9, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble 

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): There's some great Haitians in America. There's some — I've met them in Florida. But also, there's a fair amount of Haitians that should have been better vetted and shouldn't be here at all. The elites in this country thought they could shame the locals of Springfield, Ohio, into being quiet. They thought of all of them would be too scared of being called racist to say anything, but they were wrong. More and more people are speaking up about what has happened to their town. They're talking about how their hospitals, schools, and social services are being overwhelmed. They're talking about vagrants moving onto their lawns, and they fear all sorts of crime. And now they're talking about something even crazier.

Allegedly, Haitians are going around and taking people's pets and eating them. The duck pond in a local park is being picked clean. So, allegedly, you have Haitians in this town of Springfield, Ohio that are going by and eating ducks.