Charlie Kirk calls for Republicans to take Joe Biden off the ballot
Kirk: “I want to see a secretary of state in the next couple of days just put out the press release. Joe Biden's not gonna be on the primary ballot. He's not gonna be on the general election ballot.”
From the January 3, 2023, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Is it time to kick Joe Biden off the ballot? Look, I'm not thrilled with it. I'm not thrilled with this idea that we have to use political power, but this is where they're going. And we -- what, are we gonna be chumps on the sideline? We're just gonna kinda watch and look and hope that things get better? Well, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick in Texas is saying it's time to take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas. And again, I don't think we should rejoice in this. I don't think we should say that this is the good thing. It's -- but it might be necessary to get their attention. Make them defend it. Make them defend this concept, it's mutually assured destruction.
If the 2024 election isn't allowed to be a fair vote between Biden and Trump, then it will be a fatal blow to the American system and we have to send that message. We have to send a message that if you're going to take Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado and Maine, then we'll take Joe Biden off the ballot in Mississippi and in Alabama and in South Carolina and in Tennessee and in Kentucky and in Kansas. You have to send that message. If you do not have mutually assured destruction, then they control everything. They have all the chips and all the cards.
Us taking Joe Biden off the ballot is not something we should celebrate. But game on, baby. I think it's time for us to roll up our sleeves. I want to see a secretary of state in the next couple of days just put out the press release. Joe Biden's not going to be on the primary ballot. He's not going to be on the general election ballot. Make the Supreme Court rule on the constitutionality of both Trump and Biden on the 2024 election. Shot across the bow. Power dynamics. Fight power with power.