Charlie Kirk: The Civil Rights Act “created a beast, and that beast has now turned into an anti-white weapon”

Kirk: “If you have unapologetic, ferocious anti-white racism, then young whites are gonna find some very radical political positions”


From the April 16, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): The Civil Rights Act, though, let's be clear, created a beast, and that beast has now turned into an anti-white weapon.

JEREMY CARL (GUEST): Yeah. And that -- and that's -- and that's the reality, and so we just need to fundamentally relook at a lot of our civil rights legal regime. And without that, even though I don't think it's, sort of, the magic bullet -- but I think without that, there's limits to the amount of progress we're gonna make.

KIRK: Let's talk about discourse and dialogue. This topic would have been even more forbidden four or five years ago, but it's now becoming -- in more and more mainstream circles. Is that because the problem is becoming worse, or -- but our side is more courageous to confront it?

CARL: I think it's both, Charlie, and I'm gonna commend you in particular and Tucker and guys like Matt Walsh.

KIRK: There's like, three of us.

CARL: There -- there -- yeah. It's really I mean, you guys are the big three, but not not the only ones. But definitely -- 

KIRK: But that -- like, that have something to lose.

CARL: Yeah. The -- the big three who've really come out and talked about this. So, I think it's been a combination of things are getting worse, and that's actually put pressure. And then that we've had a few folks like you who have been willing to speak for it, and I'm appreciative, or have people like me on the show, just --

KIRK: Of course --

CARL: To discuss --

KIRK: It's a no-brainer. This is not controversial to me. This is real. I know it. I'll -- we've lived through it every single day.

CARL: Well, it helps because you're spending so much time with young people, Charlie.

KIRK: Yes --

CARL: So you -- you see it. You see it in a way that some of the older people don't.

KIRK: Well and I wanna -- I wanna also say, the liberal media is not gonna cover all this, but if you have unapologetic, ferocious anti-white racism, then young whites are gonna find some very radical political positions.