In July 2020, CNN’s Oliver Darcy reported that Neff, then the top writer for Tucker Carlson’s show, had been anonymously posting racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and other offensive content on an online forum for five years. Neff used racist and homophobic slurs, referred to women in a derogatory manner, and pushed white supremacist content while writing for Carlson’s show. Neff resigned after CNN contacted him for comment.
Charlie Kirk producer: “Trump is possibly the funniest person to ever live”
Blake Neff: “Even if you don't like Trump, you practically have to concede Trump is possibly the funniest person to ever live”
From the June 13, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
BLAKE NEFF (PRODUCER): I think, maybe, the whole, sort of, that period that lasted from the Bush years through Obama through Trump's first turn, like, the zeitgeist got stale. Think about just how uncool it is to be a liberal now compared to, you know, when we were a kid. Both of us were conservatives even as young people, but you have to concede it was cooler to be a liberal during the last years —
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Oh, without a doubt. There was no rebel energy to be conservative for when we were young.
NEFF: Yeah.
KIRK: Like, none.
NEFF: Like, we were just, you know, the bow tie thing and just, like, I'm here to talk about free market economics.
KIRK: You were an institutionalist. Right?
NEFF: Yeah. You were an institutionalist. Now, we're the rebels. We have rebel energy.
KIRK: Yes.
NEFF: We have, you know, the meme power. Even if you don't like Trump, you practically have to concede Trump is possibly the funniest person to ever live. Just, he exudes —
KIRK: Humor.
NEFF: This special — this humor, this energy. He is like no one who has lived in the past hundred years, basically.
KIRK: Yes, that's right.
NEFF: And that resonates with young people. They can appreciate that.