Charlie Kirk says Republican attorneys general should indict Hunter Biden if the Department of Justice indicts Donald Trump

Kirk: “Republican attorney generals and governors should come out and say if you indict Donald Trump, we will indict Hunter Biden immediately and we'll figure out the charges later”

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From the July 27, 2022, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): This is why Republicans are ill-equipped for this moment. Republican attorney generals and governors should come out and say if you indict Donald Trump, we will indict Hunter Biden immediately and we'll figure out the charges later. Right?


KURT SCHLICHTER (GUEST): Oh, we know Hunter Biden lied on his gun form. 

KIRK: Yep.

SCHLICHTER: And yet he's running around while the rest of us are supposed to be disarmed because a few left-wing psychotics decide to go on killing sprees. Look, this is unsustainable, Charlie. It cannot continue and it's not going to continue. 

KIRK: I think the unsustainability is the plan. And I want to ask you about that after the break. I think they want the unrest, I think they encourage it, I think they think the quicker the unrest happens -- God forbid. I don't want unrest and you don't either. But I think that they want it to try to justify a national power grab.